What are Your 2010 Tech Resolutions?

In just a few hours, a new year – and a new decade – will begin. We’ve talked a lot recently about all of the advances and inventions in technology over the past ten years. Doing so leads to wondering what will be in store for us in the very near future. However, instead of trying to guess what new gadgets and gizmos we might soon see, I want to talk about what you resolve to do in tech or social media in the coming year.

You don’t have to invent the next great mobile device in order to make a difference in our field. Too often, people think their contributions won’t count if they aren’t a developer or CEO of something. That’s just not true. Doing something as seemingly simple as beta-testing a program and providing feedback is just as important. Without feedback on problems and bugs from “normal” people like us, companies won’t fix the potential problems in their software. You don’t have to be an “expert” in order to beta-test something. You simply have to have a bit of knowledge as to how the program itself should run, and be able to provide feedback to the company when there’s a problem.

Another thing you can resolve yourself to doing is to be more social in your social media networks. When I say this, I do not mean to tweet what you’re having for lunch, or how long your dog spent searching for a place to do his business. 140 characters isn’t much… but they sure can make a difference. Over the past year, I’ve witnessed some amazing things happening on Twitter. I’ve seen firsthand several times what type of power there truly can be in social networking, and it’s amazing. Why not vow to find something – even one thing – important to say each day? It doesn’t have to be profound. You can re-tweet an important news story, or plea for help. You could write a small bit about your favorite charity or cause. You can encourage others – and even give them hope – with just a few words.

We use our computers nearly all day, every day. Why not use your computer for a good cause? Check out one of the Folding programs, and let your unused computer space be put to good research use! This won’t cost you anything, and it won’t bog down your computer system. The research being done is amazing, and will go a long way towards making a very big difference in our lives in the future.

My resolution for the new year is to write more for myself. I spend most of my time writing in a professional capacity for my boss, for GeeksToGo, and for a few others who contract me for freelance stuff. I write about tech and social media – both subjects I love. However, I am passionate about many other things, including domestic violence, education and well… anything, really. I love to write. It’s an outlet for me. No matter what I am feeling, writing gives me a way to work through my thoughts and feelings. However, I don’t always have the time to write on my own site, just for me. I tend to put that on the back burner so I can accomplish other things. I am resolving to write more just for ME!

What other things can you think of that you could resolve yourself to do in the tech or social media field? The possibilities truly are endless, and you’re only limited by your own imaginations.

On a personal note, I wish each and every one of you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. May 2010 be better for our World as a whole than the last few have been.

Happy New Year!