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emails dispearring

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Hi my operating system is Windows Vista. I have Windows Mail. But when I open it to check emails it says receiving 8 for example and 8 pop up then 3 suddenly disspear after a few seconds and I only have 5 in my mailbox. They are not in spam or any of those categeory's. I have Mcafee for my security and that has spam protection. Got techinal support and they said it is not there problem. Windows Update had a junk filter update in July could that have done it? Thanks in advance.
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Quoted from the Live Chat.
Problem -NOT- Solved Yet.

[14:28] <+heat123> i was curious about a question i had
[14:29] <+heat123> can someone try to help me?
[14:31] <+heat123> my question is i have waited in the forum for a week then posted in the 3 day waiting room and its been there for 24 hours and no one has responded
[14:32] <+Artellos> Heat123, It can get very busy on the forums. It might be that the helpers are really busy.
[14:32] <+Artellos> Is it a malware or a tech related question?
[14:33] <+heat123> tech related question
[14:33] <+Artellos> what is it about, I might be able to assist you.
[14:33] <+Artellos> Or can you give me a link? :)
[14:33] <+heat123> one second i will give you the link to my topic
[14:33] <+heat123> should it be from waiting room or orginal topic?
[14:34] <+Artellos> Gimme the original :)
[14:34] <+heat123> one minute ok
[14:34] <+Artellos> I'll be here :)
[14:35] <+heat123> http://www.geekstogo...ng-t206467.html
[14:35] <+heat123> there is the link
[14:35] <+heat123> can you take a look at it please
[14:36] <+Artellos> that's why I was asking :D Hang on while I take a look.
[14:37] <+Artellos> Right, can you open your windows mail please?
[14:37] <+heat123> just did that
[14:37] <+heat123> now what
[14:38] <+Artellos> Go to Tools -> Junk E-Mail Options
[14:38] <+Artellos> can you tell me what the option is set to?
[14:38] <+heat123> low
[14:39] <+Artellos> is the tick box at the bottom on or off?
[14:39] <+heat123> off
[14:40] <+heat123> the emails that are dipearring are not in spam or any other folder i checked already
[14:40] <+Artellos> I was wondering if it automatically deleted them.
[14:41] <+heat123> no it is not
[14:41] <+Artellos> And you have no idea what sort of mails these are?
[14:41] <+Artellos> If it were legit mails or not?
[14:41] <+heat123> do you mean address or waht
[14:41] <+heat123> *what
[14:41] <+heat123> legit
[14:42] <+Artellos> did you have any chance to see what sort of e-mails it were before they disapeared?
[14:42] <+heat123> important
[14:43] <+Artellos> Can you go to Tools -> Message Rules -> Mail
[14:43] <+heat123> can you reply to my topic please or continue here or tell another tech to reply to my topic
[14:43] <+heat123> what do you want to do
[14:43] <+heat123> i don't
[14:43] <+heat123> care
[14:43] <+heat123> what's best
[14:43] <+heat123> right now?
[14:43] <+Artellos> Yea, I'll help you here until I run out of ideas :)
[14:44] <+heat123> am there now waht
[14:44] <+heat123> *what
[14:44] <+Artellos> Do you have the wizard?
[14:45] <+heat123> i didn't see any wizard
[14:45] <+Artellos> At the top does it say: "New Mail Rule"
[14:46] <+heat123> yes
[14:46] <+Artellos> Press Cancel in the bottom right.
[14:46] <+heat123> ok
[14:46] <+Artellos> Now it should say: Message rules in the title
[14:46] <+heat123> yep
[14:46] <+heat123> am there
[14:46] <+Artellos> On the tab: Mail Rules, Can you see any rules in the top box?
[14:47] <+heat123> no it is a white box and the one below says no rules are seclected
[14:47] <+heat123> *selected
[14:48] <+Artellos> Alright, Have you also checked your McAfee Spam filters? What are those set to?
[14:49] <+heat123> yes i checked with a mcafee support person like where doing and they said it is not there problem
[14:50] <+heat123> as far as mcafee settings
[14:51] <+Artellos> Ok, are those 3 e-mails the only ones that disapeared? Or did more e-mails disapear?
[14:51] <+heat123> anyway it is set to medium
[14:51] <+heat123> more emails have dispearred
[14:52] <+heat123> everytime i check emails most of the time at least one disppears
[14:52] <+heat123> if not more
[14:52] <+heat123> this has been happening for a couple weeks now
[14:52] <+Artellos> did you try to disable McAfee before you download your e-mail?
[14:53] <+heat123> no i am willing not because if there was a spam thing it could mess up the computer and it is important
[14:54] <+heat123> do you know any techs that could get me to solve this problem or just you
[14:54] <+Artellos> Spam generally doesn't do anything nasty to your PC unless you open it.
[14:54] <+heat123> ok i still don't want to do that
[14:54] <+heat123> i know a lot about malware
[14:55] <+heat123> and optimization as well
[14:55] <+heat123> and learning how to build a system and learning computer programming
[14:55] <+Artellos> It's a form of troubleshooting we use. And i'm pretty sure others will ask you to do so too, Just to check it isn't McAfee. I'll quote this conversation to the forum and see if I can think of any other techs that might be able to help you. Is that ok?
[14:56] <@Leurgy> What happens if you click on the Inbox, then View, then Current View, then Show All Messages?
[14:56] <+heat123> yes artellos do you know any other techs
[14:56] <+Artellos> Leurgy :)
[14:56] <@Leurgy> hi Artellos
[14:57] <+heat123> hi leurgy will try one minute
[14:57] <+heat123> ok
[14:57] * Shaba ([email protected]) has joined #geekstogo
[14:57] * SpyBot sets mode: +o Shaba
[14:58] <+heat123> i don't see a inbox
[14:59] <+heat123> artellos that is ok to quote the conservation
[14:59] <+Artellos> heat123, the inbox at the left side in windows mail.
[14:59] <+Artellos> the inbox folder.
[15:00] <@Leurgy> don't have vista here
[15:00] <+Artellos> I do ;)
[15:00] <+heat123> did that
[15:00] <+Artellos> But your steps worked for me Leurgy, it's still there.
[15:01] <+heat123> it worked sorry leurgy it is checked
[15:02] <+Artellos> any other Ideas Leurgy, Or shall I quote it to the forum?
[15:03] <@Leurgy> Have you checked to see if you selected a delete option under Tools, Accounts, select the account, Properties, Advanced?
[15:03] <+heat123> could this be a microsoft update in july?
[15:04] <@Leurgy> uninstall the update and see
[15:06] <+heat123> do you want the number thing any of you
[15:07] <+heat123> what are you guys
[15:07] <@Leurgy> Have you checked to see if you selected a delete option under Tools, Accounts, select the account, Properties, Advanced? <-- heat123
[15:08] <+heat123> no just checked
[15:10] <+heat123> can you help me still or answer my question please
[15:10] <+heat123> i got here before ltangelic ever though ltangelic you know better
[15:11] <+Artellos> I'm out of ideas, Leurgy anything left? heat123 have you tried removing the update?
[15:11] <+heat123> how do you do taht
[15:11] <+heat123> *that
[15:11] <@Leurgy> it would be in add/remove programs
[15:11] <+heat123> one second will try
[15:12] <@Leurgy> you need to click the show updates box if there is one
[15:14] <+heat123> can't find it

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What mail service are you using? Is it POP or IMAP?
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Hi Titan8990,
Rorshach112 replied to 3 day waiting room post and he said he would help. He was taking a look at it. But anyway I am using pop I think about 90% sure. Thanks for all your help so far.
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You are in good hands with Olrik and Titan. I was just doing some cleanup
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Thanks Rorshach112 I will just wait for one of those two to respond
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Alright, now we are going to try and isolate the problem. Download Thunderbird here: http://www.mozilla.c...US/thunderbird/. Use it just like you would Windows Mail.

Let me know if you have the same issues.
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Hi I solved this issue myself by turning off an option in McaFee. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP.
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Nice to see it was the firewall after all.

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Yeah, good to see you got it fixed. I thought at first you had already tried that but when I looked again I see that you "were not willing".
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That is good I got it fixed. I want to thank you again for all your help.
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We are happy to help. I hope you learned something from this experience.
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Hi I learned something from this experience you know more than me and I should listen to what you say. By the way just had a question on another computer my mouse does not work after I reformatted it. What do you recommend that I try?
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The port was turned off in the bios. Thanks for all your help. Has internet, protection, security center working, and etc.
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