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I was wondering if there is a fairly easy way to rip the movie data from a dvd so I can have a disk that has only the movie on it. I want to set up a simple to use GUI on a touchscreen that will when I select a movie in my home theater will simply start playing the movie. some dvds like to throw previews in and all have their own menu system so I wanted to take the DVDs I have and just take the movies from them and put the movie data into a diskchanger. then use the store bought dvd in a 1 disk player if I want to use any special features. I hope that makes sense.
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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It depends on this

It is illegal to circumvent the copy-protection mechanism, although it is legal to make a copy for your personal use. If a DVD or CD is copy-protected you are excluded from legally making a copy for personal use.
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“It is illegal to circumvent the copy-protection” Come on people, what we do in your homes, with movies we buy is our own business. In some parts of the country certain sexual acts are forbidden according to the laws on the books, yet no one is going to kick down your door.
I get so tired of all these site, this one included, spinning the same is it legal or illegal crap. Enough already, for example, the newest Maximum PC magazine has
“The Ultimate Digital Media Guide. Exercise your fair-use rights! Our all-encompassing guide will show you how to copy any piece of digital media: DVDs, copy-protected CDs, and even downloaded DRM-encumbered files!”
Read it here-
And they publish a magazine about it… are they worried about being shut down??? NO.
It’s like, ohhh if we let someone talk about piracy they (Who ever they are!!) will shut us down. Sorry, not going to happen, for one “Freedom of Speech”, two, if “They” can’t shut down the real wazes sites, they are not going to pick on you.

I also think many site flatter themselves thinking that again “they” are even looking at your site to see what is being posted.

Now as to the people asking the questions, “How to I rip a DVD/Copy a DVD movie, etc. Please, you shouldn’t “EVER” have to make a request like this on a site like this, the info is spread all over the net.

And yes I know I’m going to get jumped on for this post, but when you do, please tell us all in your post that you don’t have a single song, movie, or piece of software on your computer or on a CD/DVD in your house that’s not illegally downloaded. Come on, lets see how honest you are… And lets get back to using common sense
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The reason I asked about it was becasuse I only wanted the film from it not any special features or menues. that way when I tell my DVD changer to start the disk it just starts the film with no hassle
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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I can appreciate the need to safeguard the considerable investment involved with a sizeable DVD collection, however, the rules are made elsewhere and any site can only follow them and advise accordingly
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