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I'm heading off to college in the fall and I want to bring some movies with me that my family owns, but aren't 'my' possession (dad's present, or mom's movie, you know) and so I want to make backup copies.

The thing is, what is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R? My dad said it has something to do with compatability in players or something? :blink:

My DVD burner can do DVD-R, DVD+R, and DVD+RW, so I have all options, just...not sure which one to go with.


PS - Yes, these are all bought DVD's and possessions I legally own, nothing illegally downloaded :whistling:
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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Thanks! That was kind of confusing to find what I needed but...I was looking though my PC Building Bible for the bajillionth time and in this little box in the corner, someone wrote a letter asking the same thing.

Thanks though!
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