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no multimedia files

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hears the problem i reinstaled win98se after that can't play an andio cd can't play multimedia files cant play games on a disk and has problems installing off of disk on to harddrive

i go to control panal i click onto multimedia and all of the feilds are gray. but on the divice manager under properties everythings is working properlyand all the drivers are installed.
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Hey there foxydad01, welcome to Geeks To Go Forums.

It sounds like there is something wrong with your sound drivers. Try re-installing your sound drivers and I have also noticed that this might be a graphics driver problem too. So also try re-insalling your graphics card drivers.

Also when you say that you cant play multimedia files, does it come up with any errors? The same when trying to play games, what happends?

Let me know if this worked. :whistling:
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