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Problems with Nero Vision Express

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Alex Super

Alex Super


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Hi Every one!

I have Vision Express an about a year. I use it almost every day. Yesterday I got a movie from my camcorder and I was an about to make a great DVD-MOVIE, but when I put all files on task put some text and effects... click NEXT--> ... and it show the window where I can organize my movie titles and so on BUT when I click CREATE CHAPTERS Vision Express just close and that's it. I try again and same thing... :whistling:

If some one have expirience with this problem or know how to solve it please write me back! :blink:
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    motto - Just get-er-done

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Have you looked at the nero website for any upgrades for bug fixes?


I'm using nero 7 and finding that vision express2 seems to be worse. I am contemplating buying ths sony vegas 6 even tho i really don't like sony simply because i've seen what it can do.

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Alex Super

Alex Super


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Well I use Nero 7 and Vision Express 4
I tryed to reinstal Nero and after all it was very good!
So I think it is just computer mistakes.
thanks SRX660

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