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windows movie maker

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i need help making better movies, i think this should be the right forum.
how do you
1. customize the title page (adding a title to the movie) by using one of my own pictures or something special?
2. customize the credits (adding credits at the end of the movie) by placing my own pictures in the background?
in windows movie maker.
or is there any program easier to use?
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hello and welcome to geekstogo,
1. you can import any picture at the beginning, then under movie tasks do the following ->Make titles or credits->title on selected clip.
That how you'd do that.
As for the second one you'd need a program more advanced. I can already see movie maker is out growing your needs as it did my own. You can do something simple, doing something similar to the beinning by using a picutre and then swtiching though it with layed texted but it could become very cluttered. For a more perfession feel to the credit part of the movie i'd stick with the solid colors, unless your only placeing 2-5 names in it. Then i have something in mind.
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normally i only have a couple of names...not too many. its only a hobby for me. and its usually pictures that i take on vacation and store as a slide show by windows movie maker. credits are usually jus a list of the places in the movie...
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ok well if your going to do it that way, the way i know of works well.
You can us a picutre of each place and then like what i said above insert overlapping text and change the actions so as to look as credits. But, i find your really limited in movie maker when it comes to credits......fustrating and true. Not sure if there are any additional features in it but make sure you have movie maker 2.0. Might be slightly better.
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This may help

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