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Help with Camcorder to PC hookup

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Hi Everybody,

I'm brand new to this forum and have been impressed with all the good information I've read so far. However, I still have a question about how to hook up my digital camcorder to my PC so that I can watch and/or edit videos through my PC.

I recently given a used JVC MiniDV digital camcorder and was wondering if anyone knows how I might be able to hook it up to my PC for editing & emailing video clips? I looked at the JVC site and retrieved the manual, but it looks like the only way they have to hook up to the PC is while using a video card (I don't have one of those yet). Is there a way that I can view/edit/save the video footage I have on my MiniDV tapes as well?

I am running Windows XP on an IBM compatible PC. I understand that I will probably need video editing software once I get a connection established too, correct?

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Trevor Dean
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