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TDK Develops 200GB Blu-ray Disc

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Retired Tech

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TDK announced it had reached a new milestone in data storage on Blu-ray discs, revealing a prototype that can hold 200GB. The disc doubles TDK's previous 100GB prototype and is possible by creating six distinct layers of data, each capable of holding 33.6GB.

The prototype, like all Blu-ray media, is single sided. "The ultra-ambitious technology roadmap for Blu-ray has now been confirmed as realistic, with landmarks such as this proving the long-term value of the format against its rivals," said TD vice president Bruce Youmans. TDK said such high-capacity discs could be commercially available in several months.
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I'm amazed of the things you can do these days. Blu-Ray is going to be very expensive still right?
I mean, where I am (Australia), Dual Layer DVDs are quite expensive for about $5-$8AUD per disc.
So if I were to multipy that by 10x (data wise) it would be about $80-$90AUD if Blu-Ray was already on the market for about 1-2 years, I presume.

Then agian I could be wrong. :whistling:

Edited by leingod, 02 September 2006 - 05:47 PM.

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We still have the problem of HDDvd vs. BluRay. I'm not even going to invest until one beats out the other. At a DVD producers panel, they discussed this extensively and they said they watched some of the new releases on both types of players and both crashed on them.

This is a wonderful technology that I will definitely embrace, but not until the bugs are worked out, and there is only one format. Remember VHS vs. Betamax? Same deal...and I don't want to invest in the wrong one.
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