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Xbox 360 vs. Nintendo Wii vs. Playstation 3

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Not really on a standard def tv even a 720 my 2 year old pc can still look better than a 360 also the 360 doesn't have dx10 it has a couple of its features but the GPU they used was a prototype dx9/10 hybrid.

Non upgradability of a console is a bad thing to me, most games will perform based on the hardware and most good scalable games will look exactly the same or better than games did when you first put it together new games still play they just look about the same as games did when you bought it and a quick upgrade every now and again makes them better. My PC was very reasonable almost cheap the base unit came to less tha £700 and its played all the latest games and they look as good as when i got it. And unless you have a proper high def PC the graphics on any of the consoles arent even as good as what a new mid range PC can offer and on par with alot of older systems especially since no console has a full dx10 game yet.

You pay £50 a game 20 more than a PC game and PC games have free mods as well so the money you save on games alone saves you cash more than enough for an annual upgrade if you really want it consider you buy 10 games in a year thats 200 squid less than the cost of a new video card or doubling your ram. So your PC will constantly improve for a similar outlay in cash and im a notorious stinge. Nothing beats a good 4 player lan of flatout on the PC though or a 8 man game of farcry.
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Online gaming for PC is soo much better. Xbox Live is alright the only bad thing about it is that u cant write messages on it like on PC. I like PC gaming but there just isnt the games i want to play ATM and people are well too good on CS lol and i get way to anoyyed on pc aswell. On a HD tv the graphics are well good better than a PC game ive seen so far. Consoles are excatly the same as PCs just in a different case and have a different OS as even with consoles you get FPS drop. Ive just bought COD3 for the 360 and its just the same as the PC one. COD3 isnt much different from COD2 on PC really.
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COD3 isn't out for PC... and while all COD's are similar, COD3 is entirely different than COD2... made by different developers and everything.

And I dare you to find me a console that can put out a better picture than 2 8800GTX's can on a 30-inch monitor running at 2560x1600 resolution. (assuming the game supports that resolution... only newer games do)

and like I said before, consoles are pcs! just dumbed down and non-upgradeable. sure, xbox360's graphics are pretty good now. but in 2 years, you won't be able to compare it to a PC's graphics... and a new console will still be at least 2 years away. (4 years between xbox and xbox360)
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They arent comparable now, although CoD3 was made by a different developer but it was made in roughly the same time frame as CoD2 for the PC they were started about the same time and they do of course share common material so they arent that different, more alike than it would be to CoD3 for the PC which will be totally different from the one on the consoles. The consoles for call of duty games are one ahead but also one behind they are always more similar to the last PC version than they are to the next.
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COD3 isn't out for PC... and while all COD's are similar, COD3 is entirely different than COD2... made by different developers and everything.

And I dare you to find me a console that can put out a better picture than 2 8800GTX's can on a 30-inch monitor running at 2560x1600 resolution. (assuming the game supports that resolution... only newer games do)

Yes, I no i meant that COD3 on the 360 is like the same as COD2 on the PC. Yes but that will cost like 3 times as much as the 360.
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2 8800 GTX's plus a 30-inch monitor probably costs less than the HDTV you play your xbox 360 on.
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Maybe but it would be close and he wouldnt have anything to watch it on, although is its just a 720p any PC in the last year thats decent spec will look as good as a 360 CoD2 and Graw on my two year old PC look the same on my HDTV as a 360 but its just a 720.

Mind you big advantage of a PC is its got supreme commander now, its amazing its one of the best RTS games ive ever played its unbleivable especially on a dual monitor.
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2 8800 GTX's plus a 30-inch monitor probably costs less than the HDTV you play your xbox 360 on.

Who said anything about HD TVs there shite unless all your channels are in HD or else you see all the pixels. Ok then 2x£400 = £800 plus the monitor from Dell £1,259.60 thats £2059, If you spend that much your mad or stupidly rich. In HD TVs your talking a top of the Range Sony for 400 quid less than that, You could buy a PS3 with the left overs.
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i didn't mean your TV, i was generalizing.

a nice 50" plasma is at least $3000... Add $3000 for every 10" beyond that. You can get a 30" monitor and 2 GTXs for about $2500. And even a 7900 and a (good) 19" monitor has better pic quality than a console. And that would cost you around $500. (less than ps3 alone... not to mention the HDTV)
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19" isn't that good for serious gaming you are looking at 22" at least(actually cheaper than 19 allot of the time) normal people dont actually spend that kind of money on a TV and if they could afford to i doubt they would baulk from the cost of getting any console or PC they wanted(besides plasma sucks for games).
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Yeah but the thing is you dont need to do anything to get the graphics card to work e.g. drivers and software and second you dont get BSOD either. Most of my m8s have a 360. Consoles are designed for gaming PCs arent thats why the consoles are better for gaming. Also who wants to spend like 700 quid on getting a PC when they can just buy a console and start playing. Who actually has a 50" HD tv though? you might as well go out and buy a HD projector for that money!
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700 will buy a PC and you'll even get some games with it, 700 will buy a console and a few games at current prices games are almost twice the price in many cases for consoles often even more so you dont save any and they cost more in the long run with those prices. Ive also never ever had a BSOD on any of my systems that weren't old enough to have the hard drive fail or overclocked, and drivers aren't much of an excuse they take 5 minutes to install and usually on a new system improve performance you can even get them downloaded automatically from a feed all you do is click ok a few times and restart the PC consoles have the same just its automated out the clicking bit.

Takes me three hours at most to build a pc hook it up install everything and get going takes less time for a console but its not a big difference and once setup they don't need much attention unless you want to add some new features and the PC you dont even need to use the DVDs to play the games after they are installed which is pretty good you dont have to worry about finding discs or discs getting scratched and updates are regular you get the choice to install them or not as well and you get the most glorious things in gaming MODS without them half of the best games around wouldn't even exist.
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Hi I'm new to this site and have just bought a xbox 360, and not impressed with the controller! I saw on this thread that you said a guy can get a keyboard and a mouse for 360 consel ?
I have a laptop and have it networked to the 360, but it seems thats only good for music, ext.

Do you have any suggestions?
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PS3 + usb or BT keybord/mouse+ printer + yellow dog = a PC

(4 usbs/card reader/80gig HD/blu-ray, the PS3 is a beast it just needs game makers to spend time with it and stop porting 360 games, uncharted kicked [bleep])
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Looking for used nintendo wii, xbox 360 and ps3 game consoles...

Wanna buy used ps3 games...

Interested pls pm me your items and asking price...

Thanks alot!
wii game downloads
used wii games
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