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Wii internet usieng Wi-fi

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Chrono Saga Addict

Chrono Saga Addict

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:whistling: I bought the Wi-fi adapter for my computer to get my Wii the internet, but it's not working. The computer knows the Wii exists and the Wii knows the computer exists, they have no probelm senseing each other and I even got the highest rateing on the signal that the Wi-fi has. The Wii does it's searching for internet connection and it finds a signal right away, but then when it trys to do the update, it won't do it, it sez it can't and it's given me error 32002 and 32004 and the nintendo site was useless helping me as far as I could tell.
How do I get it to do the update? I already tried going through the whole computer and turning off every safty device so that nothing would interfrear with signal, no firewall, no ant anything, and it still wouldn't work. And then within the past few days a window popped up that said "The Generic USB Hub is a HI-SPEED USB device and will function at reduced speed when plugg inot a non-HI-SPEED port. " and then sez there are 8 other ports on the computer to put it, right now it's plugged into one of the usb ports in the back of the computer. I don't know what to do.
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Alright from searching your error codes here is what i found

Does your PC have any security programs (firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-adware, etc.) installed? If you are using the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, and have a software firewall or other computer security program installed on your computer, there may be additional steps you must complete to allow a successful connection.

"Trusted" Applications:
If your firewall or PC security program keeps a list of trusted applications (also known as a "trusted zone"), the following programs are installed with the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, and require internet communications. If prompted by your firewall or PC security program, add these to the list of trusted applications. This information may also apply to certain computer security applications, such as anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc.:
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connector USB (NintendoWFCReg.exe)
Setup.exe (when installing the USB Connector)

If you are using a router, you may need to temporarily disable the router's firewall to allow the Wii console to connect online and receive a system update. Once the update is received, you can turn the firewall back on. For information on locating and disabling your router's firewall, please consult the router's manual or contact the manufacturer of the router.

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