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should i change to freeBSD?

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buster blader

buster blader


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its very tempting but I've heard a lot of about this os so i was wandering if u guys had any advice for me

Edited by buster blader, 15 January 2007 - 02:42 PM.

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Well it's not as easy to work with as many of the Linux distros, for instance you have only the x-window gui to start with, a very rudimentary gui, and you have to choose a GUI you like, download and install it to get anything like a windows type environment. In other words you have to do a lot of stuff "by hand" to get what you want.

Of course it's free, so you can download it, burn it to disk and try it to your hearts content.

I'm very happy with Red Hat Fedora Core 6 myself, it's a very easy install, comes with a lot of features and I think is a bit more professional than some of the other distros.
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buster blader

buster blader


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so what exactly am i going to need to do in order to get this on my computer, i also i've heard about running both os on my pc, it includes using a virtual drive or something like that , but i also heard about a dual boot process all this stuff are new to me but i would love to run more than just windows on my computer
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