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I have a bit of a mic problem.

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  • PipPip
  • 23 posts
Hi there. My problem is that my mic levels are very low. I have tried to use the mic boost in the windows sound manager. That only boost my mic levels slightly. I also have used this mic in another pc and levels were fine. I'm really not sure if there is anything i can do. Any ideas?
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  • Member
  • PipPipPip
  • 344 posts
Try checking the Volume control panel. If the Microphone level is low, obviously turn it up. Also, make sure your Microphone is fully plugged it, because sometimes they can slip out a little.
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  • PipPip
  • 23 posts
lol. yup, did all those things. I turned up all volume levels and the mic still doesn't come close to peaking. i've checked all connections as well. i also tried to use the same mic in a diff pc, it worked just fine. it seems to be some unexplained event. :-/
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