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How to fit many hours of video onto one DVD

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Hi folks.

I've got many AVI video files recorded off my TV card in the computer and I'd like to burn them onto blank DVDs so I can later enjoy them on a normal DVD player.

I've got WinAVI and it's a great program for converting AVIs to DVD format and I managed to burn a few. But the problem is that I wish to fit more videos onto one DVD.

I've seen it once at a friend's. It was a DVD of Alias. She was playing it on a normal DVD player hooked up to the TV. That single DVD must've had more than 10 hours of video on it!

Of course the quality was a sacrifice but still it was kinda amazing cos the whole thing is totally PLAYABLE ON A NORMAL DVD PLAYER.

So I wonder, could someone help me by telling me what (application) procedure I need to go through to fit many hours of video onto one DVD?

Please help. Thanks in advance.

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Retired Tech

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DivX is an option, though the only advantage is not having to change the disc as often, though consider how likely it is that you will watch 10 hours in one go. The DVD player needs to be DivX capable

With the cost of blank discs, stick with changing discs more often to keep the quality
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Ok, I've just checked my DVD player to make sure it's not DivX capable (otherwise the manufacturer would've put it in big print on the front, right?). It was purchased a couple years ago too so don't think there was many DivX DVD players around.

I know blank DVDs are not that expensive these days but really more often I only want to fit two movies/AVIs onto one disc. Not 10 hours. So could you guide me in that case? How do I do it?

Just two movies on a single layer DVD, with the menu page letting me to choose which one to play first.

Thanks for the reply :whistling:
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Retired Tech

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You could try Nero 7 using automatic fit to disc, when you get to the page for burning, it will say what the output quality will be, from excellent to p - poor :whistling:
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Thanks Keith for the reply. I'll play around with it. Won't go with Nero 7 again cos it comes with too many unwanted components and bugs I'm sticking with Nero 6.6 :whistling:
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Retired Tech

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That could have the same option, click start smart, make movie then click more, video options, dvd options, see if automatic fit to disc is a quality setting

Otherwise, long play will reduce the file size
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