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Static IP for Xbox360?

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I've been trying to get to play xboxlive mulitplayer on Call of duty 3. I soon found out ye needed a NAT setting of Open....Well after about 5 years Succes! ( I have a linksys WRT54GX router) All I had to do was put my xbox's Ip to automatic and enable UPnP On my router....well it says open ...but still not connecting...Only everyonce in a while with only like 1 other person in the game ( I host games Fine) I think my Xbox needs a static IP ..I dont know how to get one for it....( My computer is using a static IP) And I I try to put in other static IP stuff it'll say strcit Even when I try portforwading....help I just want to play.
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I think static IP's are the same for anything connected to that router am i not correct?
So most likely your static Ip is the same as the one on your PC if it is connected to the same router.
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Disable UPnP, it can cause xbox live to not be able to connect, specifically with router type. IP address/dns server/mac address setting should most likely be set to automatic. If you copied addresses from your computer to your x box it will likely cause conflict

Edited by Titan8990, 06 March 2007 - 03:38 PM.

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