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Yellowish screen while playing XBOX 360

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  • PipPipPip
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The screen on my started turning yellowish just recently when i would be playing games on my 360. I thought maybe it was overheating so i moved my 360 away from other things to give it more room. It sort of helped but then it came back. Now when i try to play my 360 nothing even shows up on my tv. My 360 looks like it is working and reading the game, but i dont get a signal on the tv. Everything is plugged in and set up properly I have already checked. Can anyone help me with my problem. Thank you
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1-800 FOR MY XBOX they can help or it can possibly be an overhating problem
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  • PipPipPip
  • 178 posts
are you getting any of the lights at the front going red because i no that indacats a problem. http://editorials.te...ng-of-Death/p1/ this tells you everything to do before ringing them to get it back ... btw make sure u look at how many times they had 2 send theres back ... so dont think it will be good straight away :whistling:
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