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Vista Upgrade help

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I have recently tried to install Vista on my home pc with no avail I leep getting an error after reboot:
Windows\system32\winload.exe error code ocx0000221.

I have searched and searched but what I keep reading about is dual boot option and so forth. I am not sure that I want to do a dual boot but the more I think about it the more I am considering it. I have a 250 GB HDD C: and D: I have all my media stored on D: and all my XP on C:

Can I do a clean install on D: and will Vista automaticaly associate all my C: files with the install? Or should I just install the upgrade and fix the error. From what I read it seems that the fix should be pretty simple however they were a little to advanced for me as far as modifying the boot ini file. I know how to get there but not how to modify it. Any and all Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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Dual boot is easy.
Just use something like Partition Magic to size the main partition down, make a new one, use your Vista DVD, tell it to install into the new partition, it'll do everything for you.
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10-4 Do you think I should create another partition? I have a C: and D: already I was thinking of installing it on D: however I do have a lot of MP3 files and pics and stuff. I do have partitomagic handy so I think I will create another partition just for Vista. if I do a clean install on the partition do you think the error that I was getting will not be there anymore. I will try it tonight and post back.
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