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Digital picture frame error-can anyone figure this out?

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I have a digital picture frame from Brookstone. It has 64mb internal memory. I have 18.3mb of jpeg pictures all 640x480.
Properties says used 18.6mb-free space 33.2mb.
When I try to add more pictures I keep getting the error "error copying file or folder" "cannot copy (picture name): the file or directory cannot be created" I have previously added new pictures with a usb stick, I've also tried hooking directly to my pc and dragging.
I have tried changing the picture name and with numerous different pictures
I have tried just right clicking to make a folder and get the same error.
I deleted all the pictures and put them back and it took them but when I tried to add another I get the same error.
The manual says if its full the screen will say "memory full" and there's no phone number for any kind of tech support.
any ideas?
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