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Verizon... please read and respond..much appreciated.

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Time to vent......here goes. On July 7th I called verizon to sign up for a bundle package of phone, dsl, direct tv. I have 2 phone lines one with dsl connected to a line and 1 without so I got rid of one line and put dsl on my other line thus eliminating 1 line. The direct tv guy came on Monday the 11th and the dsl switch comes on Thur. the 14th. The phone guys ger here on Thur and ask me where the jack going that I need installed so I replied I don't know where you get that info cause that's not what I what done so I told them what I needed and they did it no problem.

With this new bundle package with dsl speed is to increase from 768 KB to 3 Meg. So after the change I am getting speeds of 32 KB. So I called verizon and explained to them the situation that day and they said that there was something they needed to do at the central office and that it would take a couple of hours which was at 2:30 I was told this. So at 6:30 I rebooted my router, modem , PC to get me new speed to no avail. I call them at 7 and explained the situation and they say to me the conversion hasn't completed yet and it will be done by friday morning when I wake up so I say no problem.

Friday rolls around and I wake up to reboot everything still no speed increase so I call verizon again and talked to a tech support supervisor and she tells me the conversion should be complete by 2:00 and I may have to have have a tech come out to the house causing me to call in sick. 2:00 rolls around still no speed increase so I call verizon again and talked to a sup and they say a tech will be out to the house before 7:00, does one show up, no so I call back verizon again to talk to a sup and they said there is nothing they could do because they close at 7:00 so I start screaming at this person saying I am getting screwed so they end up calling there central office on the west coast because they where still open. So someone on the WC calls me back at 8:00 PM saying she try to get someone to come out on Sat morning but she's not in until 7 AM WC time which would be 10 Am my time and she would call me 1st thing when she got in on Sat. so it's 10:15 my time, does she call at all, [bleep] no, does a techie show up all weekend, [bleep] no.

Monday rolls around so I expect to see a techie 1st thing in the morning to no avail. I call up verizon again to explain the situation to a sup that i was pissed off because I had to call in sick again to wait around for them [bleep]. they tell me someone will be out between 10-5. Do they show up [bleep] no. I have them call the central office at 5 and they send someone out at 7:30 PM saying that there was a communication problem with the phone line not a dsl problem and that the need to replace a part so they guy shuts my phone off all night because there was something that the central office needs to do and that I should be up and running with new speed by 10:00 today.

I wake up today reboot everything expecting new speed, do I have it [bleep] no so I call up [bleep]ing to them again this morning with them telling me a techie needs to fix the problem with the line that the supposedly fixed last night. At this point I am totally bull [bleep] with verizon and screamed at them. After getting off the phone with them I went to my local verizon office and ran into one of there techies and explained to them my problem so he calls his foreman and explain to them how i am getting screwed around so the techie calls my local foreman of my town to tell me whats going on via voice mail. He tells me to expect a call from the foreman within an hour and if I don't hear from him to call the foreman myself, which I did and I get his voicemail as well. I then call verizon again and get a supervisor on the line to explain the situation so they call the foreman of the techie who was here last night to find out what the guy did. The supervisor then calls me back saying the got in touch with the techie and will send a guy out to check on the line again and that I didn't need to be home. So I go out for a couple of hours and get home hoping to see a speed increase, do I get it, [bleep] no. I now call back verizon supervisor to explain the situation and they tell me a tech was there but there was no one to let him in and I said WHAT, you [bleep] told me I didn't have to be and that they will send some one out tonight. Did he ever show up, [bleep] no.

I call the Sup again and explained the situation and said more than likely they won't show up tonight and they'll more than likely show up in the morning. I am at my wits end with these [bleep] and don't know what else do and am looking for some advise from you guys on what else to do? Yes, I already told them I would cancel my service multiple times but they don't seem to care.

What can I do? I appreciate any help.

Edited by sari, 21 June 2007 - 07:07 AM.
Bleeped out inappropriate references

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If your attitude with Verizon is anything like what you posted in here, I'm not sure they'd want to help you at this point. Every place the word [bleep] appears in your ranting paragraphs is a word that is not family-friendly, and therefore not permitted on this site. If you're that angry, cancel the service and move on to something else. I can tell you, calling and screaming profanity at people is not a way to get help. I understand you're frustrated, but there's a lot of truth to the expression "You catch more flies with honey".

I would call back and ask to speak to the manager - there is a manager above the supervisor. Explain the situation calmly. It would not be unreasonable to ask them to send a tech at time that meets your schedule, since you've had to miss work already for this. You can also request a credit on your bill for the days that the service level was not meeting the advertised service level. If you call them and use [bleep] as every other word, you're not likely to get anything.
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Yeah if you relax talk calmly and dont loose your patience and treat the person on the other end like a human being they will evnetually try to help, generally places that specialise in screwing people unfairly the people that man the phones desensitise you you have to make them care about your problem.
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    Semper Paratus: Always Ready

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If your attitude with Verizon is anything like what you posted in here, I'm not sure they'd want to help you at this point. Every place the word [bleep] appears in your ranting paragraphs is a word that is not family-friendly, and therefore not permitted on this site. If you're that angry, cancel the service and move on to something else. I can tell you, calling and screaming profanity at people is not a way to get help. I understand you're frustrated, but there's a lot of truth to the expression "You catch more flies with honey".

I would call back and ask to speak to the manager - there is a manager above the supervisor. Explain the situation calmly. It would not be unreasonable to ask them to send a tech at time that meets your schedule, since you've had to miss work already for this. You can also request a credit on your bill for the days that the service level was not meeting the advertised service level. If you call them and use [bleep] as every other word, you're not likely to get anything.

I agree with Sari Here - using profane language will not get anyone anywhere - I had a situation with Verizon when I moved back home in March of 07 - I called them 2 weeks before I was supposed to move, and they said that they would send a tech to check out my new digs because they showed something different in thier systems then I saw. This place used to be 4 units, and now, they have made 2 out of 4 units. I was told that they would send a tech, and they insisted that this would happen, but they didnt show up, and could not turn my phone on that day. When I asked why, they said that the reason that they could not turn on my phone service was because they did not have a signal in the Central Office for my unit, although they had installed the phone jacks in my home - I asked where the tech was that was supposed to be dispatched, and I was told that they would not respond - Verizon had CANCELLED my tech visit, and this is because they thought they could just switch me on as before - I politely stated that the reason I asked for the tech was because this is a new setup, and all of the info they have for me at Washington Street was inaccurate - they then stated that because it was 3PM, that a tech could not get to me today.......I was a little disgruntled, but they told me that I would have my phone the first thing that following monday morning........This was acceptable, and they DID knock $75 off my bill and credited me for loss of DSL and phone services because i asked for them to do this :whistling:

So I got a first bill that was $38 instead of my usual $108 - Nice :blink:

Good Luck to you :help:

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