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Repairing Vista

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I tried dual-boot with Linux, under the impression that I could overwrite XP and have it work. Here's my setup: I got the computer with XP. Partitioned it in February and put Vista on the second partition. Now that XP is no longer needed, I overwrote XP with Ubuntu. I decided not only that I will never need to use Ubuntu again, but that I want Vista back, and I can't boot to it. I tried using what appears to be a Windows 98 boot disc but I either don't know how to use it or it didn't work. How can I get back to Vista, where it will boot up with no OS selection in the BIOS? I want a single-OS machine again; screw Ubuntu. Besides, my whole life is on Vista right now--iTunes, Outlook, web cam drivers, games...how can I get Vista back? The auto-recover tool on the Vista DVD couldn't find Vista. The command prompt on the DVD said that I couldn't use fixboot and fixmbr on that volume or something. What do I do? If you could give me idiot-proof instructions, that would be best.
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Hi gamelord12...

Will the machine boot at all? Because Vista uses a different boot loader than XP (BCD), and it is likely still there, you can try using a program like Vista Boot Pro to edit the BCD. It will scan the drives and find Vista if it is still a viable option.

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The machine will boot, but only into Linux. I have Vista Boot Pro, but I obviously can't access it because I can't boot into Vista. The funny thing is that I won't need it anymore once I can boot into Vista again because I've decided to go back to a single-OS machine after this nightmare.
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How about installing Vista over Linux and copying your data across to the new install? Is that an option for you?
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Well, without reading that post, that's what I did. Incidentally, it fixed everything and now I can access that second partition just like before. However...I want to get rid of my first partition altogether. How can I do that so that I can use my existing Vista install (from before) in a single-OS, no boot selection environment?
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