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Help with Netgear XBOX 360

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So recently i just bought an xbox and normally i just switch it up , when i want to play my xbox online i connect my line directly from the modem to my XBOX . IT worked fine when i did that.

But right now i wanted to use my NETGEAR WGT624 v3.
So the setup right now is Modem ----net gear router ( and the lines are split up from the router to my xbox and my PC )
My PC is fine going online , but when I try to connect my XBOX i get a IP error. So i Look at my attached devices tab on the router setup menu and i see that it DOES NOT give my Xbox an IP. Im figuring thats the problem. ( maybe ? )

Can anyone help me ;___; . I really dont like connecting and disconnecting my cables all the time. Its so fustrating
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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http://www.geekstogo...ial-t98770.html <--give that a read and see if any of that info helps
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