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need to get video onto youtube

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I have a dvd made by a non-profit organization called Churches Supporting Churches. It's an update on the crisis that New Orleans still faces today. I have permission to get this video out in as many ways as possible and I would like to rip and encode it properly for certain websites. Can anyone please help me with this? Programs(Preferably Free)? Tips?

Thanks for your help in advance,

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Retired Tech

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Have you looked through this?

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I've read that before, just not on that website. I know what it has to be cut down to. I don't know what to use to encode it to a small enough size. Please list some programs that will help me out.



Edited by Maleboe, 05 August 2007 - 08:28 PM.

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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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What is the total size?

You can use a trial version of Nero

It may be better posted as a series, for quality purposes

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I want to split in 3 files because it is 25 minutes long.
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Retired Tech

Retired Tech

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Copy it from the disc to the hard drive

Load it in to Nero then use the split function, delete the section you don't need, click export, click configure to set the encoding quality. That is something you will need to experiment with to get the file size you want

Do the same to split it at 8 mins, delete the first part, split it at 16 mins, export that

Same for the 3rd part, split it at 16 minutes delete the first part, export the 9 mins

The file will be in the nerovision - exported video folder
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