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URGENT: Need help picking a laptop today!

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I'll get straight to the point.

Futureshop.ca is having a sale today on all their laptops and I get to pick one for school. My budget is $800 before tax. My problem is, there are such great deals and all the laptops look awesome.

I need one with a good wireless network card for Wi-Fi internet, it has to be fast so I can be typing documents, running programs and browsing the internet all at the same time (is this my RAM or processor speed I should be concerned with?), I'd like it to be light, small-ish, and have a long battery life.

This one caught my attention: http://www.futuresho...amp;catid=25314

Is this good enough for me? Is there a better deal on the site?

Thank you so much to anyone who can help me! I have to decide within the hour.

Just found another good one: http://www.futuresho...i...9811&catid=

I'm probably going with this one: http://www.futuresho...i...9808&catid=

Edited by joshuagor44, 20 August 2007 - 10:52 AM.

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Definitely go with this one. Its far superior and for a very small price. It comes with 40 more Gigs of HD space and double the RAM, with the option to expand further than the other one.

RAM is your most important feature for multitasking, since that was one of your main concerns. I would go with the bigger one.
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