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Do burn marks go away?

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    Tech Staff

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Hi briandoo345, welcome to Geeks to Go!

Yes - we're geeks - computer geeks. Let's analyse this carefully then, shall we?

1. Did you turn the oven off?
2. Was the pizza good? What kind of pizza are we talking here? (I'm getting hungry)
3. On what did you burn your arm? On the metal grille inside then oven? On the pizza pan? On the pizza itself?
4. Did you do anything, like put cream on the burn or run it under cold water for a few minutes?
5. What kind of professional medical advice have you sought?
6. Can you make me a pizza?


But seriously, you should put some kind of burns cream on it - aloe vera has been mentioned in this thread already - and if it's really bad, see a doctor. :)

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    The hippie freak computer geek

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If you put a cream on your burn make sure that it does not have an oil base.
Oil based creams block the skin from getting air, which is important to the healing process.
Bad burns leave marks (scars) and should be treated by a medical Doctor!
A slight burn may not need medical attention, but can still leave a scar.
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seriously i burn my face putting knife on it for no reason and after three day skin went normal coz i peel the skin... now i put garlic on my face stupid me it burn and now i am not sure will it go away or not .,,,,

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I got a second degree burn on my stomach that originally was a horrible dark brown/red color. less than two weeks later and I have to really search to find where the scar was. I am still using Dermalmd Scar Serum and have no doubt that the marks will go away altogether. HIGHLY recommend!

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Charlie's Momma

Charlie's Momma

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Ok I am really stressed right now cause I just burned my right cheek and it really hurts. I was wondering if once it heals it will go away or will there be mark left over? (plz say yes), I have other burn marks that didn't go away, but thats probably cause I kept pealing the rashes and everything, what should I do?



Yes It Will. You just have to keep moisturizing it to avoid dryness and peeling. You might also have to have your other burn marks checked.

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Ok I am really stressed right now cause I just burned my right cheek and it really hurts. I was wondering if once it heals it will go away or will there be mark left over? (plz say yes), I have other burn marks that didn't go away, but thats probably cause I kept pealing the rashes and everything, what should I do?



You should better visit a doctor for it!

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