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Playing a console on a desktop PC

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i have an Wii, but hardly get to play it because we only have one TV in the house :) , but in my room i have a computer at my disposal. So my question is this: is it possible to hook up a console to my PC and play it? if so what hardware,connection,etc would be needed to do such a thing?

Thank you for your help in advance :)
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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one would imagine that you could do this with a "tv tuner" card...basically gives your computer a connection like a TV would have....alternately...if you butter up your parents they might be willing to buy you a small TV for your room....or better yet....you could get a job after school or something and save up and buy your own! another great place to find a TV is the Goodwill or other "thrift" store....even pawnshops have some pretty cheap tv's...they're not huge...but you could probably (if you put your mind to it) find a suitable TV for the same price as a tuner card
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thank you for your advice!:) now to see if i can get a TV or not. Let the buttering up begin! :)
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    Banned Spammer

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one would imagine that you could do this with a "tv tuner" card...basically gives your computer a connection like a TV would have....alternately...if you butter up your parents they might be willing to buy you a small TV for your room....or better yet....you could get a job after school or something and save up and buy your own! another great place to find a TV is the Goodwill or other "thrift" store....even pawnshops have some pretty cheap tv's...they're not huge...but you could probably (if you put your mind to it) find a suitable TV for the same price as a tuner card

Dsenette I love your advice! I rate this the #1 Answer! (especially since it was the only answer) :) You give good advice Dsenette, Keep it up! :)
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