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Computer Preformance.

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It seems computers never run like they did when you first got them. What ways are there to make your computer faster again?
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You can Defragment a computer which will make the HD a little faster

Start --> mycomputer --> right click your main drive (properties)--> tools --> defrag disk

and you can do a Disk Clean up.

which is

Start --> mycomputer --> right click your main drive (properties)--> disk clean up


I really don't know y they are slow.

maybe it's because they have all that junk and software running in the background. New computers don't have that many things in the background.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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As you use your computer you will install more and more programs.
Some of the programs load at start up and run in the background, using resources.
This will slow your computer down.
A common example of this is security software like norton or mcafee.
Look at the bottom right of your screen, are there a lot of Icons in the notification tray?
HP and Kodak both try to run at start up, and slow the computer down.
Some programs do not need to run at start up, and can be disabled.
How experianced are you?
I will help you to stop some of the programs that are not needed to run all of the time.
I would just like to know how much help you need.
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I think one of the problems for me may be some programs won't uninstall right, like I still get Etrust running un startup and I uninstalled that long ago.
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