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Service Pack 1

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  • PipPipPip
  • 216 posts
I just finished installing the Service Pack 1 for Vista Ultimate 64 bit.

Up until now I have had absolutely no problems with the OS, where I see others have, but just today, I tried to play a DVD and the disk seems to play, but I cannot see the picture, there is nothing but a colored garbled mess on my machine. Any ideas on what I need to update in terms of Drivers to fix this? I'll try Video, but I don't know if that will work or not. Has anyone else had this problem? Maybe it's something with SP1, and I'll just remove that. Thanks,

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  • PipPipPip
  • 216 posts
It was a video Card Issue, installing the latest drivers from the manufacturer solved all of my problems. Now operating in a Vista Zone with 100% no problems.

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