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Computer/Nintendo Wii wifi USB help

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I have been looking for some help a long time now (well, not a long time, really). See, I bought a WI-FI USB Connector for the Wii some time ago and it worked perfectly. I got a virus (from other stuff) and they fixed my PC. It's working good and stuff, but now when I try to use the USB and connect to the Internet from my Wii, my connection's status is "repairing" or something like that.

I cant connect to the Internet, and what's worse, is, when I use the USB my computer sometimes randomly freezes, and it only happens when the USB is connected. Please, someone help me with this. I donno what to do, I could try my sister's computer but well, she won't allow me and I haven't gone online on the Wii for about 5 months.

I tried it on my sisters computer, it doesnt freeze but everytime I click on run nintendo wifi usb connector, a small icon appears that says acquiring network address, and it never acquires it or w.e the [bleep] its supposed to do. I donno what to do PLEASE HELP, SOMEONE. Ok great, NOW it froze my sisters computer too!! It's the mother**** USB! I donno what it does but its a ****** pain. Do I have to buy a new one now? F****** great.,

Edited by LedRoseShredder, 20 June 2008 - 06:33 PM.

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