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Improved Windows Security OR Adobe vs Microsoft?

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  • PipPipPipPipPip
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About once a week I get on a Vista machine at my work. Last Friday when I got on I noticed something new. I can't directly quote it but it was something along the lines of "this startup program has been blocked because it requires permissions to run". This program was the Adobe update manager.

I clicked the "help" icon for more information and to my surprise this is part of UAC. Normally this would be no biggy but I believe there is two factors that should have prevented this block from happening:

1)I am the administrator of the computer

2)UAC is turned off

Now, moving along. I would assume program such as my anti virus would need administrative privileges to do it's job since it needs to be able to read and sometimes write/modify core system files.

So what I am putting up for discussion:

Do you all think whatever update added this feature to Vista was for increased security or a way of pushing the new M$ Silverlight?

I also find it a bit funny that this is going on because the only company in the software business I hate more than Adobe is M$.
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