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AVG question

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I tried downloading and installing the latest free AVG antivirus but whenever I try to update it , it say update failes A.bin missing file. What does this mean. How can I get it back. I tried reintalling 2x already. Please help. Thanks
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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Your download may be corrupt. You can always download it again and replace the files. or;
Have you tried Avira? It has a reaky good detection rate, and the active guard works well.
The only problem is that once a day you get a nag screen that you X out of. Not a lot to pay for a great free anti-virus.
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i have the same problem, but here is what AVG has to say:

Currently the update for AVG Free v8 is corrupted... you will have to wait for AVG Technologies to address the issue with the update.

Reporting the issue again by other users here will not do any good util it is resolved.

The updates that your AVG currently have will still provide the protection it is setup to detect. In otherwords, not being able to get this update will not make your AVG Free ineffective and as soon as AVG Tech resolves the issue you will be able to update to the current virus definitions at that time.

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+1 for Avira, and you get a laugh with some of the updates. I have not been impressed with AVG lately.
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