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Need some suggestions on to make multiple DVD’s for business party.

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Hi everybody, I am going to organize a business party and will be going to invite most of my counter-parts for the party. I want to give them something to remember – like may be a DVD with good collection of songs as most of them have a good ear for music with some design on the cover which resembles my business portfolio. I am looking to make multiple copies of the DVD and need some suggestions on that – like the place to get that done and may be some more on that. Please give me your tips and suggestions on that.
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That is a good idea …….. to make an impression with something good. I was in need of some good jewel cases and got them from a DVD replication company that was good in supplying the cases at the required time and they have a package for other various jobs too. So, I hope that you can also benefit from them and get your job done.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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Fedex/Kinkos has a CD reproduction service

http://www.ipromoted...m/products.html this is also a fun idea....it's a business card sized CD (this isn't a specific endorsement just an example...you can actually get these CDs and burn them yourself if you so choose) so you can hand them out like business cards...great way to make an impression
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