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Hard drive space

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My computer is about one year old dell with vista basic on it. I have your normal range of programs installed on it (no games just media players, antivirus etc). I have a 120gb hard drive, partitioned into a 10gb recovery drive and a 110gb hard drive.

Of the 110gb i assume windows vista uses 9gb as i only have access to 101gb.

When i open my computer and view the properties of my 101Gb hard drive it tells me i have 63gb worth of stuff on it however, when i open up the hard drive and highlight all the programs it tells me there is only 53gb worth of stuff stored on the hard drive.

This is including all the hidden files and there are no files on my desktop.

Can anyone tell me where my missing 10gb is and if this is normal?
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Murray S.

Murray S.

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Howdy and welcome to GTG:

The System Restore folder can use up to 12% of your hard drive for Restore Points.

This does not show anywhere even with the hidden files and folders option off.

Odds are, that's where your 10GB are.

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