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need career advice desperately

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Hello there... I'm hoping some of you can help me- I need some professional advice. Here's my situation: I have a bachelor's in biology and 8 years of work experience in fields without many marketable skills (criminalistics and fine art). I know VERY little about computers although I spend most of my days on my mac. I can do all the basic stuff- word processing, email, internet research...the stuff everyone knows how to do. And I'm pretty good with photoshop. I've used Swift Publisher to create some documents and I can set a web site with the template programs the various providers have available (big black bag, godaddy). I even know a little about online advertising, CPC, analytics. However, I don't have enough (adobe) software experience or professional design experience to get a job in graphic design or web design.

So basically, I can't find a job and I need to go back and take some classes QUICKLY and affordably and get a job asap. Computer-related jobs seem to be the most in demand. So my question is...what can I learn in about 6-8 months and what route is the best to take for someone who really just wants a good-paying job? I don't care if I like it. It's all about the money.

I'm interested in web development, but it seems like there's a TON to learn. What about database administration? Can I learn that fairly quickly? Which type of database should I learn- Oracle or Microsoft or one of the others? Should I learn more than one? Will I be able to get a job without experience?

I don't know a thing about programming or networking. Hooking up the DVD player to the stereo and TV drives me nuts so I'm pretty sure I'd hate networking. I'm open to prgramming but have no idea where to start and it seems like this is too large a topic to learn in 6-8 months. But I don't even know enough about it to know how long it would take to learn...Although I know nothing about computers, I'm no bonehead- I got through 2 1/2 years of chemistry and physics and physiology and genetics etc. just fine (3.7 gpa). So I can learn anything- it's just a matter of time and I'd prefer to invest as little time as possible at this point.

I'm pretty analytical- I like work that requires some thought (hate repetitive mindless work!)...I'm good at organizing and presenting information. I prefer WYSIWYG type programs to abstractly creating. So what do you think- any suggestions? What would be a good direction for me?

Thank you so much for your input! http://www.geekstogo...fault/smile.gif

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