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Vista - Blackberry device manager Errors

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Ols Skool

Ols Skool


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Hi Folks

ive been on this all day (14hours in total) and microsoft, blackbery and orange havent got a clue.

i have a blackberry curve (new) im trying to sync it with outlook on my laptop which runs office 2007 and vista home p.....

i have downloaded blackberry device manager and it appears to run fine till i try and sync the device the following message appears

"synchronization configuration upgrade failed: the destination directory cannot be created"

i have made sure the program has full permission and to make double sure i have d/l it all to the desk top which i find normally works with crappy vista .

still no joy, anyone got any ideas apart from scrap vista. PS how hard is it to installl xp on a lappy when vistas been pre installed

thanks in advance ( and please please help)


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Ols Skool

Ols Skool


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Right Folks - ALL SORTED NOW.

he's a feww little tips that may appear to be obvious now but wernt to a new BLackBerry User.

make sure you install the program from the disk first ( was advised to directly install software from site - not good idea with va)

make sure it all runs as adminstrator (right click "run as administrator"

then go to blackberry.co.uk

Hit the software tab (top of page)

then blackberry desktop software (right had menu)

then scoll right to bottom of page (ignor all the other stuff on there this is where the issue is)

click the link at the bottom of the page (centre) "download blackberry desk top software"

use the down arrow on pls select a product

and pick the newest version at the top ( ignore any versions directly accredited to your blackberry ( this is another part that leads to mistakes)

the newest today is blackberry desktop software v4.6 (second from top line)

select this and press next then the rest is self explanitory

it take about 1.30hrs to d/load

run this application with you current application still installed then plain sailing from there wil auto update for a while and auto sync - ALll Good from here in

the main issue i had until advised by a very helpful person at orange ( his 4 other colleagues had'nt figured it was that the software although is specific you need to install all the genric stuff and the programm will install its own relevant drivers for your handset - which is where it all went wrong as i was being advised to download the specific application for my phone

hope this helps any other users

any issues please mail me only to happy to help if i can

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The Admiral

The Admiral

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Thanks for the explanation! This one had me stumped, good to see you got it figured out!
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