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mp3 players

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hey there, i'm looking for some info about mp3 players and pklaying them throught your car radio. i dont know anything about mp3 players but i heard that you can download songs on them off your computer and then play them through your car stereo using the cassette tape that plugs in to the mp3 player. i guess its the same thing as the car discman that you can play your cd's through your car stereo if you dont have a cd player in the car. i have the car discman and that works great for store bought cd;s but it wont play cd's i burn on the computer. so i was wondering if you can do the same thing with mp3 players. i would appreciate if anyone knows if the mp3 player can be used like the car discman. thanks for the info
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    OT Moderator

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cassette adapters are compatible with any device that has a headphone jack, and of course all MP3 players have one so it will work just fine. :)
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