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Downgrading Windows Vista to Windows XP?

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Theres nothing wrong with Vista, If your running a 2.1Ghz processon and 3Gb ram and ur PC still crashes then ints something up with your machine surely.

OK, that my be so in a few cases. I'm 100% sure there's only one thing wrong with my machine, and that's it's OS, Besides that's the same lame excuse, we've heard over and over again, where MS always blames the software. That's why you just can't get a decent warranty from MS for your OS. Same thing if for example a car manufacturer would start blaming every car's fault on the fuel or the oil being used. Like MS could be perhaps right if he blamed it on the software a few times, but not this frequent.

Did I told you I had an explorer crash or two within a week and a BSOD within 2 weeks.

I, and everyone I'm sure could do any test, you just won't find anything wrong on my machine.
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How old is the machine? as in when was it first built?

It could be a hardware fault with the vista software?
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How old is the machine? as in when was it first built?

It could be a hardware fault with the vista software?

Well you're very helpfull, but forgive me that I'm not going to repeat all that, all is explained several times in my posts in this thread. I also suspected that it could be very well that those that are having no problems with Vista could be using it totally different. True, I sometimes open folders with a few thousand items in it. But a machine with 3Gb DDRRAM should be able to handle that. I could open the same kind of folders with my XP that had only 512SDRam. True I have some 160 programs installed .. so what ? On my XP I had some 260 installed. Anyway from time to time I do different tests with my machine, and they never indicate a failure. So all kind of performance tests are done all the time, regcleaning is done too, as is defragmenting. You name the thing that should be looked into to make your PC faster, I've done it or it's implemented. So what is left ? The OS with all the things it's doing you can't do anything about it. Sure I could stop editing video's or delete some 100 programs, or clean up my desktop that's always filled with some 100 icons, sure I could stop using a wallpaper. Yes, I stopped using one thing that used some serious CPU and memory: the desktop sidebar. MS can't even make that simple thing working like it should: from day 1 the objects move a fraction of a mm. each time you reboot your PC. After some 10 restarts the objects have moved nearly one cm. Yes this Vista is the most stupid thing MS has ever build. I'm not gonna waste more words over it. Forgive me.
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Theres nothing wrong with Vista, If your running a 2.1Ghz processon and 3Gb ram and ur PC still crashes then ints something up with your machine surely.

Ive ran Vista Ultimate in 3 Ghz Processor and 512 Mb Ram on a Dell dimension 5150.

And that was pushing it but it still ran and was totally bearable.

I have the windows 7 beta and this is sweet as. Few tweaks to how it looks, which makes it look so much better!

And it runs quick as you like. I havent encountered one hiccup yet.

Wow, you make it sound like the ultimate solution :) is it?
Should I d/l and use it? I just want no problems and as a 73 year old I really can't be bothered with too many complexities? ( is that the word I'm looking for :) ) I'm sure the wise among you will know what I mean :)

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regcleaning is done too,

I believe I may have found one of your problems. Registry cleaners are never (as in not ever) a good idea. They are crap. I can't stress this enough.

From what you have told us, you have installed a bunch of junk that you believe is the best thing around. You have "heavily tweaked" (your verbiage, not mine) your OS. You have a machine that by any normal definition is so bloated with extra crap that no computer around would run successfully, regardless of OS. Yet you want all the blame to fall on Windows for your computer problems. I can already see where your computer problems lie. It's right between the Keyboard and the Chair.

If you want to spout off about problems and you want to cite other sources as the "facts" to prove your case, then give links or sources for your information. If you cannot be bothered to do that, then don't bother hitting submit. We have no interest in seeing it or having to sift through the crap. This is not specifically about Vista or anything else in particular, this is a general guide. This is also not a debate.

First thing you need to do. Read this page. It's vitally important to your survival here.


Wow, you make it sound like the ultimate solution laughing.gif is it?
Should I d/l and use it? I just want no problems and as a 73 year old I really can't be bothered with too many complexities? ( is that the word I'm looking for laughing.gif ) I'm sure the wise among you will know what I mean wink.gif

Any Windows OS can be as complex or as simple as you wish it to be. If you use the computer like a typical user, you can use any 32bit Windows OS and have no problems. Should you "d/l" (I assume you mean purchase) and use Vista? That depends, are you getting a new computer? Are you unhappy with your current OS? If the answer to both of these is no, then the answer to your query is no. Stick with what you are happy with.

Are there new features and gadgets to play with in Vista, sure. Is it a necessary upgrade, certainly not.

There is no such thing as an "ultimate solution". It doesn't exist. This applies to Mac, Linux, XP, Vista, and all other OSs.
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I believe I may have found one of your problems. Registry cleaners are never (as in not ever) a good idea. They are crap. I can't stress this enough.

That is your opinion, you can't just say they're all crap. I would agree however that they don't make your PC run noticeable run faster.

From what you have told us, you have installed a bunch of junk that you believe is the best thing around. You have "heavily tweaked" (your verbiage, not mine) your OS. You have a machine that by any normal definition is so bloated with extra crap that no computer around would run successfully, regardless of OS.

Not convinced either. My XP was able to handle more programs and like you call "crap". And it was only 1Ghz/512SD Ram. At least I might expect to run Vista as smooth with "less crap" and additionely many times more power under the bonnet. Like how much times faster is 3.0Gb DDR2 Ram compared to 512SDRam, or how many times faster is 2.1Ghz Core2Duo compared to 1Ghz CPU of 10 years ago ? I said the problems started only 1 week after purchase. At that tme I did no tweaks at all and had barely a few programs installed.

Yet you want all the blame to fall on Windows for your computer problems.

. Vista yes not any Windows.

About that link to forum etiquette: they're right it's all about the amount of posts, and it's normal that any newbie should be considered as ignorant. So consider me as such if you want. I'm used to.

Edited by JimB007, 20 January 2009 - 09:39 AM.

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That is your opinion, you can't just say they're all crap. I would agree however that they don't make your PC run noticeable run faster.

You are incorrect, this is not just my opinion, it is an opinion shared by a great many in the industry.



In the second link, the quote from Mark Russinovich should be treated as a fact. Mr Russinovich is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost experts on the Windows operating system.

(see how I quoted my sources?)

Not convinced either.

It is blatantly obvious to anyone with a modicum of sense that you cannot be convinced, which is why most of this is futile. You are like the MAC commercials that continue to spout useless nonsense about Windows based on little to no evidence. Those idiotic commercials still compare the MAC OS to those problems faced by Windows Vista users back when Vista was in Beta.

I am not here to debate with you since it is painfully obvious that you are biased and will not listen to reason even from some respected members of this community. My goal here is to ensure that anyone reading this thread not be swayed by your incessant rantings and personal vendetta.

Also, I am not considering you ignorant. I may consider you a bit overzealous and certainly ill-informed, however I do not know you well enough to call you ignorant just yet.
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Vista offers many benefits over xp... the problem is that it also lacks some qualities of xp that some users may prefer. So it is pretty much useless to tell someone which version of windows is right for them because its really up to the individual users needs/opinion. My main complaint of vista is that some aspects of the OS do not work in the way you think it is supposed to... for example, file sharing... you find a folder you want to share and you click "share" thats totally simple right? NOT, you have to go and set privileges if you really want to share the files. Now why the heck would Microsoft do that? In XP you click share and it shares. Its not the fact that you have to set privileges that annoys me because that's good, its the fact that the "share" button no longer shares! go figure... Also connecting to networks just got more complicated. Thank you Microsoft for how you make things SO simple! I don't mind working with an OS that I'm going to have to do a little extra to set things properly as long as I know things are going to function the way I think they are. I just can't stand telling a computer to do one thing and it only partially does it or doesn't do it at all. Anyways there is my 2 cents...
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So, Will there come a point when XP will be non existant? :)
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I have Both installed on my system so far . I prefer XP for its simplicity, for the ease of use , but ,the biggest point I will say is ,is that VISTA is a Resource Hog. No matter how you look at it , it loads slower because of all the crap it loads in the back-round.I would'nt say I'd go with WIN-7 either , because of the fact it is in BETA form and in that being said it is not for everyday use ,but, for consumers to use and write back their findings as for the bugs they encounter. The only reason I have Vista on my partitioned HDD's is due to the fact that I am schooling as a computer tech . and I have to familiarize myself with it and it's many faults to be able to help others out . You can't go by comparison,as thats like Microsoft's ---MOHAVE experiment, They took 50 people in to a room then showed them ONE real nice aspect of the OS, then told the people what it really was. The people responded as to saying yes they loved that .. THAT !!! Not the whole OS, and they failed to include the end result as who went to Vista because of ONE thing they liked ... I'd say that if you gathered the masses, you'll find that More,, than less,, went backwards to XP as their PERSONAL preferrence. I know of at least ten that went back compared to the 15 I know who USE their computers. I wont use it for everday use . I will stay with XP, like I said befor, I have it to help others with their complexed problems.. Vista has some of the issues ironed out ,but, it is still a RESOURCE HOG all the way!! Microsoft put it out when they knew it wasn't ready, Comparison-- FOLGERS Crystals instant to Ground coffee. Win.-7 ,,Vista with a new dress on. Just a personal veiw... XP till they pry my dead cold hands from my mouse....
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I don't like Vista.
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So, Will there come a point when XP will be non existant? :)

XP is already being phased out.

Support is going to continue from Microsoft however until 2014.

I really find it funny how everyone hates Vista. First of all a lot of people who hate Vista have never really even tried it. I see this at work all the time. I also hear the cry all the time. "I hate Vista". Each and every time I say I like it myself. Everyone seams surprised in regards to that. The reason why there is such a hype against Vista is this. The mainstream hates it because the mainstream hates change. Because the mainstream hates it everyone else does.

A good example of proof of this happening is this. I had a Coworker say I don't see why everyone hates Windows ME I had ME and I loved it. He said this right after making a comment that he did not like Vista and who has not even tried vista besides troubleshooting with it.

He then went on saying how he gets so many calls in regards to Vista. I am sitting there thinking supporting business systems as he supports consumer. I get the same amount of calls yet I get less on Vista.

Because of this his perception is that Vista is horrible because it has more issues. I think of XP and Vista as equal on having issues and statistically that is probably correct.
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Yeah, people don't like change - having gotten used to something, re-adjustment is painful. Maybe it's also this fashion of M$ hating that makes everybody bunch-up on each of their new releases.

I guess it works. 2000, XP, Vista. Some of the earlier ones (98, oh yeah...) could really give you a hard time - 3 BSODs a day on average with Win98, in my experience - but now Windaz has finally become stable. It get's the job done, usually, yeah.

But I don't like how each version requires resources on a whole new scale. I don't like how windows treats all its users as idiots (and idiots get pushed around), I don't like having to restart and restart and then restart again, and I don't like the feeling that many things are going on on my computer to which I am not privy. I mean, it's MY computer, innit? Well, not quite.

I am trying Vista out now - an educational thing. My goal is Linux. I will slowly work my way towards Debian - would have been using Linux already if not for GeekU : ) - just thought I'd learn windows OSs a little more in depth before I leave them behind.

Beg pardon - not sure I have a point here.

Downgrade? Why not have a dual boot?
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But you gotta choose from what is available, and ya gotta love what you have, right?
And the alternatives are not available to everybody. It's not a free market, and it's not a free world....
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Wrinkly Pete

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Just curious. Have you tried Vista?

Interesting fact, Microsoft found that 50% of the people that want to downgrade to XP, have never tried Vista.

I have both operating systems on my PCs, and despite the fact I've got used to Vista, in many respects it is a backward step from XP (in my opinion).
Vista gobbles up disk space at a phenominal rate, and uses much more resources and CPU than XP does.
I have nearly filled the useable space on a Vista Toshiba laptop I bought less than 1 year ago, and I don't store any of my data on it. That has to be kept on removable storage to try to keep as much space on the laptop as I can.
My 7 or 8 year old XP desktop PC is less than half full and EVERYTHING is stored on that (music, pictures etc).
Because of this, when I decided to get a new replacement PC for my old desktop I got the manufacturer (Chillblast) to install Windows XP and have no regrets. It will probably outlive me!
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