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Vista Update Error • 5-Dec-08

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Okay, so last night when I shut off my computer (which is built by me, only 4 months old) I was greeted with yet another Vista update display (I'm assuming the update was from the 5-Dec-08) before my computer turned off. I didn't notice while using it if Microsoft did in fact release new updates, but I did leave it on while I was away for a few hours. Now this morning, I turn on my computer, and as usual am greeted with the Upate Stage page where the "update" makes it to Stage 3 of 3 and stays at 0%. Then a few seconds after that, it changes the message to "Shutting Down..." and then keeps restarting. It's stuck in a never-ending reboot cycle. I can't even get into Safe Mode because it happens in every mode. I do have my Vista DVD (OEM). I browsed the Microsoft website and there seems to be no relavant link (that hasn't been deleted or modified) to report such a bug. I don't think it's a malware issue becuase all my scans for this past week have dected nothing.

I'm a little stumped. :)
Thanks in advance for the help.
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Okay, I solved the issue. What happened was the Windows Defender Update on 12/4/08 caused the issue. I had to restore to the 12/2/08 to be able to log in and now I'm all set. I'm going to avoid that one update for a while to see if another is released later on.
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    Founder Geek

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Thanks for sharing your solution! :)
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Hi, i got the same problem as you dude, basically.. it does what you stated above. The problem is that i got a brand new laptop and i havent made a restore data, also i don't have a clue on how to get rid of this problem. Do you have any solutions on how to help me and how i could start using the laptop asap!
Many Thanks
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