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Graphics working but not

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I was playing Assassin's Creed the other day and when I got to the next level my graphics were not working properly. I would have a wall in front of me that I could walk through and on the other side the graphics were fine but when I would walk through another wall I would have no graphics for the surface that I was walking on only graphics I would have is the character and the wall in front of me.

A friend of mine said to change the resolution to a lower resolution and that she take care of the problem. When I spoke to him my resolution was 1440x900 60Hz. He told me to lower it in the 1280 range.

I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it hopeing that would take care of the problem but lost all saved data so I have to work back up to the level to see if that will work.

Any suggertions on what it could be or if that will solve the problem.

Now it did not start doing that until about the 4th level before that level it was working fine.

Attached Thumbnails

  • DSC_0001.JPG
  • DSC_0005.JPG

Edited by ajaustin12, 13 December 2008 - 08:35 AM.

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  • PipPip
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assassins creed have lots of bug! my PC hanged if i enter jerusalem and game stops every 30 sec
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