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BBC program "Click"

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I like watching Click on BBC World News. The first and last time I saw it was last January, and it was only this week that I caught it again. (I had forgotten the name of the program so I wasn't able to look up the schedule) It seems that every time I watch it I learn something new, but this week's repeat was especially relevant to me.

The report on hackers and malware can be watched on their website. There's a new show tomorrow, so you will probably need to look for it in the archive. Video quality isn't that great on Windows Media Player and I'm not sure about Real Player because I don't have that. The show runs just under 25 minutes.

There's also a short interview with Eugene Kaspersky. A transcript of what was said can be reached here.
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Hi shyviolet!

Thank you for posting the information regarding the BBC World News article, especially for providing the link to the "Click" page itself, your opinion on viewing quality, and the pointer to the interview with Eugene Kaspersky. At first glance, I thought I saw the the former chess champ Garry Kasparov's name for a second. Not so, again proving to myself I need more time for the right eye to heal after last week's surgery. So I put on the reading glasses, and after that 'oversight' was cleared up, I read the article. I thought it was great, although the ending comment by Kaspersky is a wonderful idea, can it be invincible, unlike the passports required in the non electronic world of travel?

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Hello Bumblefoot,

Hi shyviolet!

Thank you for posting the information regarding the BBC World News article, especially for providing the link to the "Click" page itself, your opinion on viewing quality, and the pointer to the interview with Eugene Kaspersky.

No problem :)

At first glance, I thought I saw the the former chess champ Garry Kasparov's name for a second.


Not so, again proving to myself I need more time for the right eye to heal after last week's surgery. So I put on the reading glasses, and after that 'oversight' was cleared up, I read the article.

I hope your right eye is healing well.

I thought it was great, although the ending comment by Kaspersky is a wonderful idea, can it be invincible, unlike the passports required in the non electronic world of travel?

Anything is possible, I guess. There's just a lot of red tape involved. And it's probably too costly for governments to put together.
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