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Computer RAM

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I'm going to buy a new desktop, something on the lines of this.
My brothers been arguing with me, that 6 GB of RAM is a waste of money telling me there's no use for more than 4 GB.

I don't know, I just wanted some opinions. Does that look like a good deal? Is that a waste of RAM? Moneys not really a deal right now either, like if you know of something better.
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    The hippie freak computer geek

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First, RAM to a computer is like horsepower to a car, if you can afford it there is no such thing as too much.
The machine in question is for high end graphic work (which uses gobs of RAM).
With its quad core CPU and six GB of RAM it is a powerful workhorse!
Buy high end today and have a good machine next year.
Going over the top is better than having a machine that can not handle the work load.
Your money, your choice.
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The amount of RAM depends on the OS you plan to run. If you are going to run a 32bit OS, then 4GB is all you can use. If you are going to use a 64bit OS, then you can handle 6GB.
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High amounts of RAM (more than 4GB) is simply a marketing gimmick. With 4GB of RAM costing $16 (and probably less for an OEM like Dell), why not throw in 6GB or more? However, your brother is completely right in saying that the average computer user will not ever need 6GB of RAM in the lifetime of a $750 computer. You could take 2GB (or even 4GB) out of that computer and never know the difference.

The same thing goes for a quad-core CPU, to a lesser extent. Will you be doing a bunch of multimedia editing and encoding? Great, the quad-core CPU will probably save you a little bit of time in those tasks. Other than that, the quad-core will probably be useless for you for at least several years, and by then you will probably be wanting (or needing) a new computer.

So, is this computer a good deal? That depends on what you will be using it for. For basic use, such as web browsing and word processing, this computer has much more than you need.
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