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Lenovo won't boot, running vista

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ok the main bedroom computer at 3:22 today windows explorer stopped working, when dh went to reboot the computer tonight after we got home (we know what time it explorer quit because the clock was froze on that) it froze up totally
(the internet had been working fine before that) and he manually turned it off...
upon trying to reboot it won't reboot, the lenovo screen comes up and I can get into the bios utility but if it tries to boot windows it goes to the black screen with the flashing cursor then after about 15 seconds or so there appears blotchy patches of color in various places of the screen and nothing else happens...
any ideas as to what caused this and how can I fix it? It is our main computer on the network so I REALLY need to get it back operational obviously....
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    Kraków my love :)

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Will it boot into Safe Mode?
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I haven't been able to get it to but part of that may be I can't remember exactly when to push what key to get it there
:) :)
i've tried random f keys at various times but apparently haven't hit the right combo so far.. :)

at the first screen it says hit enter to interrupt then says hit control s to enter configuration and then I hit enter to get it to pause so I can use whichever f key it says for the bios screen (can't remember this morning) and that's as far as I can get it... :)
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To get into Safe Mode you'll have to rapidly tap the F8 key just before the Windows Splash screen shows up.

If you get into the Safe Mode screen, try "Last Known Good Configuration" first.
If it doesn't work (or if it isn't there) then try the plain "Safe Mode" option

If you get into Safe Mode, try getting into Safe Mode with Networking support - then update your video drivers to see if that helps.
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no I cannot get it to safe mode all it does is beep at me everytime the f8 key is tapped
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By the way there is no beeping sound when it begins to first start up either as there have been in the past, it only beeps if I am tapping one of the f keys
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    Kraków my love :)

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Edit: wrong OS.

Edited by Broni, 02 May 2009 - 10:02 AM.

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sorry, this is a Vista system here I'm having trouble with BUT

I have kept turning it off and back on and FINALLY got it (like just now) to get to where I could boot into safe, so tried the last good connection and it started ok...it did pop up something interesting however, something about floppy drivers were now installed and it could be used and that was NOT something we were doing or in need of... :) :)
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    Kraków my love :)

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So, where are you at right now?
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ok as of this moment, while it is running, I am backing up files to my laptop which is what I am talking to you with...the cd drive doesn't work on the desktop either I just figured out (it won't even acknowledge it has a cd in it <grrr>)

it APPEARS to be ok but I thought it would be safer to pull all the "can't lose" info off it just in case it decides its not going to respond when it gets rebooted again or if it decides to shut down

I did make a recovery disc for vista (found the link on another post) but since its not reading cd's don't guess that will do a lot of good will it? :)
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    Kraków my love :)

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All good moves. Keep us posted.
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just an update...
I don't know what happened but so far so good...apparently I did something right
Thanks to you wonderful folks...its really nice knowing I can come here and not feel like an idiot for asking questions...
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    Kraków my love :)

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Very good, then :)
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