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SMART Failure Predicted On 4

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I have an HP Pavilion dv9917cl Entertainment Notebook PC which I purchase in October 2008 at Sam's Club and when I went to restarted it on June 9, 2008 and I'm getting a black screen that said

"SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 4: WDC WD2500BEVS-60UST0-(S1)

WARNING: Immediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent.

Press F1 to Continue"

As it says I push F1 and nothing happens. So I restarted, push F10 and gone to diagnostics and did a Primary Hard Disk self test and told me I have to replace hard disk.

Since I am not a computer expert, I called HP and they had me repeat what I did above and they are sent me box to sent my notebook back because it still under one year warranty for parts and labor. And when I ask abouy recovery my data, they say I will lose everything, but say if I get someone to get the data or what on it try. But the only way I'm told is to open the back of Notebook and connect to any hard disk drive or something like that, but done that it would make my warranty invalid. So is there any another way? The only HP Authorized support providers is some 40 miles away from me with gas as it.

So if anyone can answer to my problem let me.
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    Kraków my love :)

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If there is no warranty seal on hard drive bay (it shouldn't be), you shouldn't have any problem with removing the drive
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SMART errors are generally very bad. I'd consider plugging in a external drive and just try and copy off all your data then send them your unit and let them do what needs to be done. You can do the above without removing the drive.

You could even burn your data to CD's/DVD's as well.

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Backup your data. The cost of a backup is far less than the cost of data recovery (when the drive dies).
As Bruni says, there's no anti-tamper sticker on the hard drive bays.
Also, you stated that HP said it was OK to have someone try to save your data.
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