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DIY wedding ideas?

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Chapel where we got married

Beach photos were taken

Google Maps is fair game, you can look up anywhere you want. :)
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Thought for a sec that I was looking at a negative image of your Google maps... forgot you guys drive on the the left side of the road. :)
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  • PipPipPip
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Google Maps is fair game, you can look up anywhere you want. :)

Enschede isn't available as of yet (streetside view). If I have any luck, you'll be able to see me leaving work. Was standing by the roadside and noticed one of those Google map vehicles approaching. So I stood there in my Crocodile Dundee hat and waved to the camera as he drove by. :)


Google Maps should bring you right there if you enter in 'M Harpertsz Trompln 28, Enschede, The Netherlands'. But like I said, it might be a while before we get streetside views here in Enschede.
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