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Boot Disc Not Booting.

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  • PipPipPip
  • 302 posts

I tried figuring this out now I am stumped.
I bought a New DVD player about a Month ago a nice samsung one.
Installed Windows 7 7100, flawlessly.

And Burned some Linux ISO's.
And everything worked great.
But as of lately.

I've been getting these message when trying to burn something.

DVD-R-/RW media requires settings mode page to use DAO writing

when trying to burn something.
PC Core II has been over heating also as of recently.
(Second Core on my Dual Core.)

And the bootable disc's I have refuse to boot up even though the.
CD/DVD selection is first in the bio's section.

And I can't boot from USB even though I have it set to boot from that also.
I'm thinking it a mobo problem.
I haven't rigged anything to OC so it shouldn't overheat.

Should I go try getting a new mobo?
OS has been getting laggy also, and it keeps glitching up also.
Even just running the comp in the bio's the CPU still over heats.

And now its starting to get really annoying.
Advice helpful and welcomed.

Thanks all.

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