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XBOX360 Live MTU Test Failed

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  • PipPipPip
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Ok I have a D-Link DIR655 wireless router. It has worked with my xbox360 for several month. Recently it decided not to work for seemingly no reason. The last DIR655 router i had did the same thing. That why i got the new one. Not wanting to have to buy another $50 router i decided to look into possible config changes. So far i have allowed port forwarding for the 3 tcp port and the 3 udp ports that xbox live needs, i have configured QoS enginge setting xbox's ip address to 96 importance (1 highest, 255 lowest), I have configured WISH to the same as QoS with the Vi Hi setting for xbox's ip, MTU is currently set to 1500 (default) though i have tried the 1364 minimum required by xbox live, SPI and Dynamic Fragmentation are turned off and xbox's ip is in DMZ.

Anyone know what i could possibly be missing?

PS. Live test on the xbox passes for connecting to the router and the internet. It fails everytime on connecting to live saying insufficient mtu setting. I have tried connecting xbox directly to dsl modem and that worked perfectly so it is definitely something with the router (my brother's xbox wouldnt connect to live either through the router but did directly connected to the dsl modem.)
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