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Kubuntu/Linux users

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................................ So I'm gonna go back to Windows, probably Vista, but maybe, just maybe, Windows 7. I'm not strong on dual booting, so I'll probably drop Linux altogether on my main PC.

traitor - :) :) :)
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I just don't see the utility on dual (or triple) boot
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  • PipPipPip
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I've had a few problems with Debian/Kubuntu/Ubuntu as well, but I believe what you're experiencing is probably part of the learning curve that everyone must go through.

One way to install packages is with apt-get, which I use as well as aptitude.

sudo -s to become a superuser

apt-get install rar unrar bzip2 vlc to install the four applications and dependencies

apt-get update to update the local repository list

apt-get upgrade to upgrade installed packages

Close the terminal window when you're done and you'll no longer have root privileges.

Reboots should be few and far between once the system is configured to your liking. Can you run the Windows version of Prime95 for 24-48 hours without a single error?

If you can't, you have to sort the hardware problem before you do anything else.

I'm not a big fan of Suse or OpenSuse, mainly because of previous Xorg issues, but I do hear a great number of positive comments about Linux Mint8, which is based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian.
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