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Stuck on a Black screen

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My friends computer froze, he shut it off to restart and he couldnt even get to the password screen.

He did a system restore, didnt work.

He tried Safe Mode... Got to where it loaded the pw screen, had Safe mode in all 4 corners, screen was still black and no icons.

He can get to the pw screen now, but when he loads its the same old black screen.

Makes abnormal noises.

Really need help =[
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Did he try F8 at boot and "Last Known good config"
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Robin Hood

Robin Hood


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Howdy Mistrezsyn. :)

Try sikvik's idea first. Let us know how it goes. :)

If that doesn't work, try this please:

1. Boot into Safe Mode
2. Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
3. Type in chkdsk /r

This should restore any missing/corrupt system drivers.

If you have trouble booting into Safe Mode or accessing the Command Prompt, follow these instructions to launch the Recovery Console and the Command Prompt:

1. Boot your computer from your Windows CD
2. Press the letter R when it boots to proceed to the Windows Recovery Console
3. As you progress to the Recovery Console you may be asked which partition you would like to boot into. Type the number associated with the partition containing your NTFS partition (usually 1 or 2) and then press Enter to continue.
4. In the command prompt type in chkdsk /r

Let me know how it goes. :)
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First idea did not work. He doesn't have the cd. So we got into safe mode. He wasnt able to get to the start button, but he did get the command prompt to come up. And run the check disk. Went through the disk check and it froze during it. Soo.. >.< yeah...
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Robin Hood

Robin Hood


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Hey Mistrezsyn. :)

Ok. Let's check that the drive is good.

1. Boot into Safe Mode
2. Go to Command Prompt
3. Type in fsutil dirty query c: (or the relevant drive letter)
4. Press Enter (this will tell you if the drive is dirty or not)

5. Still in Command Prompt, type in chkntfs /x c: (or the relevant drive letter)
6. Press Enter (this will tell windows not to check the drive on bootup)
7. Reboot normally and you should see your desktop
8. Go to Start > Run > cmd
9. Type in chkdsk /f /r c: (or the relevant drive letter)
10. Press Enter

11. Chkdsk will run through all 5 stages. WAIT.
12. After it is finished, type in fsutil dirty query c: (or the relevant drive letter)
13. Press Enter (to see that the dirty bit is not set on that drive if it did exist)

Let me know how that goes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. :)
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I'll have him try that. Or what he can of it. Since he cant get to the desktop some of that is harder. He can get the command prompt up without seeing it though. So hopefully this well help a lil
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