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Windows 7 Keeps Crashing

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Every other day or so my Windows 7 Home Premium will crash and a blue screen will come up with this BAD_POOL_HEADER. Then it starts to restart and asks if I want to restart the normal way. I have followed the steps that were given to me by Microsoft, but nothing they tell me is working. I really want to get this under control because I hate it.

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Robin Hood

Robin Hood


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Howdy Slayer21. :)

This is a set of instructions Microsoft has suggested will fix the problem (are they the ones you tried?):

1. Boot into Safe Mode by restarting and tapping F8 repeatedly
2. Go to Start > Run > regedit
3. Locate the UpperFilters value under the following key in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
4. On the Edit menu, click Delete and then click OK
5. Locate the LowerFilters value under the same key in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
6. On the Edit menu, click Delete and then click OK
7. Restart

NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software. If the problem recurs, consult with the software vendor for assistance.

Let me know how it goes. :)
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I never received these directions. I will try them tonight when I have time. What programs usually cause this besides burning suites?
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Robin Hood

Robin Hood


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Ok sounds good. :)

I'm not sure what other programs do. I've only ever encountered CD writing programs as the problem. :)
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