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My medical records carry a entry time date, data entry time date, and sign out time date ES. The question I have is that the documents express the following entry date Jun 13,2008@08:46, entry date Jun 13, 2008@08:48:46, and a sign out time of 06/13/2008 08:48. The text time expresses a 46 seconds difference between the text and the closing of the document. How does this happen? Does it express that the document has been compromised? Another question is with a running timed system such as the one used by the VA. How do you place the same text into two different documents at the same time without stopping time? if you can figure it out please share with a vet in trouble. :)
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Hello top213,

Sorry to say I can barely make out what is going on.. but here's some input, either way.

Looks to me like the date/time is being expressed in multiple ways. Unless it was a typo.. your first time results is showing the date along with HOUR and (minutes or seconds?). The second time shows all three, HOUR, MINUTES, and SECONDS. Lastly, the signout time is shown with a different form of date mm/dd/yyyy and I believe the time is shown as HOUR and MINUTES. It's hard to tell with this example, as 46 and 48 are used.. but I believe the last one is just not showing seconds. Therefore, no matter how many seconds of minute 48 have gone by, it will still show 48.

Wow, did that make any sense to you? :) I would suggest changing the way date/time is being portrayed, but unsure if you CAN or if these are just things you are handed.. (Lol) Could you give some snapshots? Hmm. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Best regards,

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thanks for the input. To make things clearer. The document time date stamp expresses that the text entry was written past the time the document signature was made. Doesn't the ES signify the close the document? The other question was how can you place the same text into two different documents to wit a consult report and a progress note and place them into a running system to wit to different documents contain the same time date and es signature without stopping time.
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A better way of displaying the problem
date of note Jun 13,2008@08:46,
entry date Jun 13,2008@08:48:46
ES sign out 06/13/2008@08:48
The text entry expresses that the text was written after the signature. What is the meaning of this
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Ok, just a little confused but hanging on.. :)

So is this your job? Or are these records being given to you.. Is there a chance that something was being edited for the 46 seconds? Maybe they have really slow processing time? :)

Uhm, is there any way you could get another example, a different one not from 8:48:46? Maybe I'll see something in the comparison. Also.. what is ES standing for in this case? Once again, sorry I'm making no sense and being a retard. :)

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The records are mine, and I think that they have been tampered with. another example would be
Date of note Jun 23, 2008@09:17
Entry date Jun 23, 2008@09:17:46
ES 06/23/ 2008 09:18
ES is the E signature of the author it should also express the time the document was close.
This how the rest of my records are expressed. They are in the proper sequence. There is no extra seconds as expressed in the other documents.
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Hmm, I don't know what to tell you. If you think they're being tampered with, you should ask someone with higher authority at the VA about it. You don't want your medical bills or anything else messed up as well.

Let me know what you can find out, otherwise I really don't know what to tell you, sorry.. :)
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I'm not sure if this will help clear things up but...
Whenever XP reads a file, it stamps the file with the date and time of the access.
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