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Recording and transferring audio (voice)

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Not sure where to post this and will take suggestions. I am not particularly computer literate. My problem: My wife is an animal behavioral consultant and often works in the field (literally). She currently (and for the last 10 years) simply records each session (60 minutes or more) and leaves the standard cassette with the client.
However, it seems that, more and more, clients have less and less access to a cassette player.....so we need to get into the 21st century here.

I understand the iPhone has a feature whereby you can record such sessions and simply Email the recording to a computer. We don't want to go AT&T....no coverage in our area. We have Verizon. We understand that the Droid has nothing like this iPhone feature.

Bottom line: looking for suggestions whereby my wife can digitally record these sessions and somehow leave or Email the recording in the simplest and most economical way possible. These are not repeat clients in most cases...each client is new. Most sessions are in person in the field, but some are done by phone, these latter will need to receive copies of the session as well. She has clients throughout the US and overseas. Thanks for your help.
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Digital Voice Recorder with USB? For example:

http://www.newegg.co...ce recorder usb

Edited by SpywareDr, 12 February 2010 - 05:48 PM.

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How about something like this?
A portable recorder. A bit overkill, but it'll work pretty well.
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